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Our Mission

To make the world cyber-safe, by delivering the highest ROI on time & money to cyber secure systems and the 'human operating system'.

Our Story

We started out with a very simple premise - Make the world cyber safe. To exponentially deliver on our mission, we chose to incubate multiple ventures, so we can achieve our mission. 

By adding force multipliers, with platforms and people, to ensure we deliver the best return on investment of time and money - we carefully select ventures that are aligned with our philosophy of 'what you can measure, you can manage'. 

We are incrementally building out ventures that stack well together, and elevate the security posture of organisations we work with. 

The leadership team comprises of seasoned practitioners and well known security researchers. Our team understands cyber security from both perspectives. Anything short of that is not acceptable. 

We help incubate, operationalise, and then help scale ventures, ensuring all the while that we continue to deliver the best ROI on time and money invested by our customers. 


We focus on solving big cyber security problems. We work with defenders and practitioners to ensure we are solving 'real' problems. 

Experienced Leadership

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